How to Alleviate Face Mask Ear Pain
One of the top complaints about KN95 and KF94 face masks is the ear pain associated with prolonged use. It is an issue that plagues almost everyone and especially those who may have a large head or have their ears slightly further back on their face. It may only be a fraction of an inch but that small difference creates extra tension of the straps causing them to dig into your skin.
The fact is, it only requires a small amount of tension over a long period of time to create ear-loop tracks behind your ears and with it, pain.
There are a few things you can do to alleviate your ear pain from face masks.
- Use a Face Mask Extender: Shop Face Mask Extenders
- Shop specifically for large KN95 face masks - They do exist
- Use an N95 face mask that is held by straps behind your head, not your ears
- Use an elastic hair tie on each ear-loop and thread another loop. This may create an exaggerated loose fit but your make will stay on and your ear pain is diminished
- Find a mask brand that uses softer more flexible ear-loops.
- Give your ears a break when you can.
- Avoid double masking.
- Wear a surgical face mask when you can.
These are a few ideas that may help you cope with the pain of wearing KN95 and KF94 face masks. We also suggest to use a combination of these to alleviate the tension from your ears. There is no easy fix but alternating between a KN95 and an N95 will allow you vary the strap style and a face mask extender is fantastic in giving your ears a break.